Thursday, January 20, 2005

Ok guys as i promised me bringing out the much awaited post..."The University funds!"......well u might b thinking why this twit is doin this instead of doin someting "productive" like Mr president who is curently watchin a movie...oops he asked me to turn the lighst off...for that extra effect!! guys me gonna have a tough time finding the right keys!!
We really didnt want to waste the "wealth" of info associated with our we decied to post...the other other one as i saod is currently watchin a movie, asked me to turn the lights off as if its not enuf, he asked me to put on the headphones which am currently not gonna do!!!

Ok comin to the point, guys it all begins with Inspire 04.. a two day technical extravaganza!!
So the fest was over and we had to give someting arnd Rs xxxxx (figures not disclosed due to official reasons .....;) ) So we had given postdated them...
We the great run after the funds begins.
So we first give a request for advance funds..(the univ terminology) and it somehow reached the registrar. In between we had to run around to settle the last years funds in effect ..double work!!

Wel guys i am kind of tired of typing so i am gonna cut it short for the time being.
so Nov 15 is the dates given in the cheques which we had given earlier..which happen to b a Monday.
We were desperately running after it. We had all the permissions....Everything till VC's approval..bust the cash!!
So our finally reaches The cash section where it has to be audited, where it goes to the table of a clerk who audits it anf the passes to the J reg, ->Asst Reg. ->cash section, where the cheques r issued.
SO our bills reach the audit section on Saturday evening. Monday happens to b a bus strike... We reach the adm on monday n finds out that the lady is on leave coz of the strike we find our bills lying comfortably wont move unless she cheks it. so we have to wait one more day. Meanwhile the pandal walla , to whom we had to pay sometin huge calls up one organizers and he rightfully redirects him to my hostel!!! this guy comes and we soapify him and asks time till Nov 19....
Now since the audit lady is on leave there was no point staying there . we return

Nov 16 :
I reach the ADM and finds that the staff had gone ou for a function. I come after 1 hr and finds the lady there. She tells me that she had already cleared the bills on saturday but she forgit to keep it in J Reg's table!!!! mann what..&@$^
So i follow the bill to the JR's table. she finds 2004 missing. GOD!!! i run with the bill to SOE office and gets it corrected....No rush back to ADM. now time is 12 45 . adm closes at 1 n reopens at 2. SO the bill clears the JR table and reches the AR's table she clears it then and there and i take the bill myself to the cash section. Time is now 12 55 or something. THen i find that the person reponsible has left for lunch!! mann run of "gathikedu" follows!!!

so we have to wait till next day ie 17...the d day is arriving nad on top of it we have OOMd exam on 19th too

so on 17 we get the cheque from soe after a long array of events. But to find out that it has to be signed by the principal....who is on leave for the nex few days...well we now r really tensed....somehow we had to finish it off....
so finally the registar agres to sigbn the cheque. time is now 12 55. the cheque has to be taken with a register which they will not send with us. The peon who was roaming there around till then suddenly mungifies. So we have to wait till 2 ! At 2 we go to adm to find dat the registrar has left to SMS for an urgent meeting we go to sms and wait there till 5 pm for him to come out...all in vain
So next Nov 18...nnext day is the dats as well as our exam...
Morning we go and gets the sign from registrar...but we find that its not enuf....we had to run around till afternoon to get the funds released....(the "other" stiring of events cannot be made public !!! hee heee)
Thank you


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